After years in the pipeline of planning, permitting and construction, in 2004 the Vecellio Group opened its Port of Palm Beach terminal on the east coast of South Florida.
With a heated storage capacity of more than 200,000 barrels of liquid asphalt, South Florida Materials Corp. is able to ensure a steady flow of asphalt products, including polymer-modified, to the region’s asphalt contractors.
South Florida Materials also operates a diesel fuel terminal with two diesel tanks totaling 150,000 barrels of capacity.
Facilities Manager Eddie Palenzuela can be contacted at EPalenzuela@SFMaterials.com or see facilities information below.
South Florida Materials Corp — Port of Palm Beach Terminal
300 Middle Rd., Port of Palm Beach, Riviera Beach, FL 33404
Phone: (561) 844-5153 Fax: (561) 848-5660